above, Joyce McCain, Billy McCain, Jeanie McCain, and SJThe annual McCain Family reunion was held September 6, 2008 in Dover, Arkansas at the farm of Ken and Sudie McCain Rutledge. Attendance for the event was down from prior years at 70 attendees. The reunion organizers were Sudie Rutledge, Joyce and Jeanie McCain, and Sue McCain Lay. The event was advertized as McCain / Lay Reunion.
In attendance were descendants of Ezekial Richard McCain, Thomas Powers McCain and Amos Calvin McCain. They were three of the known sons of William McCain, son of Robert, the son of Hugh McCain, SR.
In all the visiting with the many questions, the one asked all the time was, "How are we related?" when I left Michigan on my driving trip to Arkansas, I had laid out my external hard drive with all of my Family Tree data. I could not give dates and places to anyone because I know that I would be giving out mis-information.
Anita McCain, sister of Billy McCain, Harold McCain, double first cousin to Anita and Billy
When I left Dover, I drove north to Manila, AR for visits with more McCain descendants there. I dropped in on my sister, Anita McCain and our double cousin, Harold McCain. Later in the week, James D. Foresythe flew in from Capertino, CA. James is the son of Allie Mae McCain Foresythe, my dad's first cousin. James, Anita and I spent the day visiting old family sites and discussing family history. We did visit the Manila Cemetery where the McCains and Foresythes are buried. Harold McCain met us at the cemetery. We went to Harold's home to look at family picture albums and do a lot more reminiscing. James at 85 years had memories of great grandmother McCain and her stories of her husband, Amos, as a Confederate soldier. Amos was a prisoner of war, being released just prior to the end of the war.
Billy McCain, Michigan