
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Two McCains in action in Ireland

A photo of Donovan McCain of Oxford, Mississippi, playing an informal session with the great Seamus O'Kane, bodhrán player and maker from Dungiven, County Derry, Ireland. Seamus is a force in the music world of Ireland, his bodhrán unsurpassed in sound, and has a playing style unique and beautiful. He was very kind to two fellow musicians from Mississippi. We had a very lovely time playing this session with him, having tea and farm brack. He is an amazing fellow as is his son. His son, named Murrough, is one of the very best flute and tin whistle players in Ireland who was part of the musical phenomenon called Óige back in the 1990s. Donovan is the one on the left, with the long blond hair, as if you needed to ask... the second photo on the lower right is of Murrough O'Kane and Donovan McCain on stage in Derry. BTW, I also played in these sessions, but alas, I was the fellow with the camera. Seamus O'Kane's web is found at:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Descendants of James McCain and Sally King

This is a photo of two descendants of James and Sally King McCain. He was my great great great great grandfather. I was told he was born at sea coming to this country and referred to himself as a man without a country. I have found descendants of seven of the ten children of their son William Delaney McCain. I am still searching for descendants of his children James, John and Charles Vernon McCain. The second photo was taken at the tombstone of James McCain Sr of Lawrence Co IN. (After driving from AR to IN in a small sport car convertible with no makeup) My James McCain was supposed to be a Rev War soldier per a book written in 1904 but if you see this tombstone says born 1776. I do not know if this is an original tombstone or if it was placed there later by someone. If he was a Rev War soldier he must of been a young one, maybe a drummer boy or they got the age wrong. Maybe he was a relative. I was told my people went from the hilly parts of TN to IN. In 1840 my William Delaney McCain was in Greene Co IN which is close to Lawrence County next door to James Sr and Jr McCain. I lost some of my research in a computer crash. Maybe someone will see this and help me find the missing decendents. S J

Friday, January 18, 2008

John Clinton McCain and his wife Ellen Mayfield McCain, the photo taken circa 1930s in Edmond, Oklahoma. John was the only child of Lorenzo Bass McCain, who died at the end of the Civil War and was the son of William Calvin McCain of AL and the grandson of Robert McCain of TN. John and his family were Oklahoma 89ers who entered from TX and homesteaded near Edmond. John Clinton McCain is the grandfather of Bruce B McCain. John looks like so many McCain men I remember from my childhood, bib overalls, hat, brogans, it was their way.
Barry R McCain

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Golden Wedding Anniversary photo of John Melbourne McCain and Ida Belle Dooley, taken on 13 October 1924 at their home in Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, Arkansas. Antrim McCains were early settlers in Arkansas and Texas. This photo sent in by Otis Evatt McCain, grandson of John Melbourne McCain.