Argyll Lord Circa 1000 AD (c) Ulster Heritage |
Above is clan member Donovan McCain in the dress of a Gaelic lord in mid Argyll circa 1000 AD. The clothes and arms are period authentic and made from materials used in Argyll at that time. Basic dress is the Léine, the linen shirt which came down to the knee and a Brat, the woolen cloak in the shape of a rectangle. The helm is a one piece construction which was state of the art in that time and is a facsimile of a surviving helm in a museum; the chain mail shirt typical of that day for the well funded warrior. The sword, which is fully functional, is a Norse style, reflecting the unique Gall Ghaeil culture that existed in mid Argyll at that time. The Gaels in mid Argyll borrowed both shipbuilding and arms technology from the Vikings and became in essence Gaelic Vikings.