
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

McCain Family DNA Analysis April 2014

Link to latest McCain DNA analysis.  This work was done by Cara McCain and we very much appreciate her taking some time and effort of this work.

Comments and feedback very welcomed.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our Jim McKane

Jim McKane of Ontario

Very pleased to receive this email from our Jim McKane recently.  Another feather in Jim's cap.

I am very proud and pleased to announce I have been appointed as Commissioner of The Great Lakes Fishery Commission whose mission is as quoted below -

Our Mission

The Great Lakes Fishery Commission was established by the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries between Canada and the United States in 1955. The Commission has two major responsibilities:
  • To develop coordinated programs of research on the Great Lakes, and, on the basis of the findings, to recommend measures which will permit the maximum sustained productivity of stocks of fish of common concern; and
  • To formulate and implement a program to eradicate or minimize sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes.
The Commission is made up of four commissioners from each of Canada and the U.S.A. It receives reports from both Canadian and USA Advisors to assist this extremely important mission.
More information on the Commission can be obtained from the website -
Jim McKane